Online Hotel Booking System Project | Using SpringBoot + Angular | Microservice project

Online hotel booking system project is a full stack project. Well, you must be aware about real time hotel booking websites. You want to get that feel? If yes, you are on the right track.

This website is developed to give you that feel. When you will see the features of this website. Trust me, you will enjoy.

We will start with the features. In this project, you can book hotels rooms, generate invoices, cancel bookings and what not. To know more about the flow of this project, please go through the video.

We have developed this project using microservices in the backend using spring cloud. For security, we are using Spring Security and JWT.

Java8 is there as JDK. We could have used latest JDK version, but many of us are not comfortable with latest version. So we decided to use the least stable version. We have used Maven as project management tool.

Rest API is there for client and server communication, and we are using JWT token for these service calls to secure the stream. For internal service communication, we are using spring web flux. For database, we are using MySQL.

So this is the basic flow of our project. By looking into this diagram, It is very easy to understand what is the flow in the backend. You will get more info about this diagram in the project video.


Front end is developed using angular. We are using some angular plugins to give more real time effects on the website. You will see CSS, HTML, JavaScript, bootstrap effects in UI.

And we are using google cloud for storage of static files like hotel images. You will see email verification through OTP, mobile number verification through OTP. We are sending OTP to your entered mobile number.

Many other features are there. We have explained this project in very detail. You can go through the attached video.

This project is developed for those folks who want to learn new technology, and you can use this project as final year project submission or, as I said, if you are keen to learn. You can get this project.

Technologies used in the project


  • Angular
  • JavaScript
  • HTML
  • CSS
  • Bootstrap


  • Microservices
  • Spring Boot
  • Java 8
  • Spring Security
  • Spring Mail
  • JWT
  • Spring Free Marker
  • Hibernate
  • JPA


  • MySQL 8


  • Visual Studio Code
  • Spring Tool Suite

Roles in project

    • User can search hotel details.
    • User can select hotel details from the search result.
    • User can filter search result.
    • User can select hotel rooms from the selected hotel.
    • User can add traveller details.
    • User can see about page.
    • User can contact us or send feedback.
    • This user can perform all public user activity.
    • User can add payment details.
    • User can book hotel room.
    • User can edit their profile like verifying email ID, phone number etc.
    • User can see their booking details.
    • User can cancel their bookings.
    • This user can perform all ROLE_USER activity.
    • Managers are appointed by admin.
    • They can view/add/update hotels list.
    • They can see invoice list.
    • Not only that, but they can see users list. Only Role User list.
    • Admin can do all roles activities.
    • It can add/update/delete hotels.
    • It can view/delete invoice.
    • Furthermore, it can add/update/delete users of role manger and user.

Requirements to run this project

  • Java 8 must be installed on your system. If you have not installed it, then watch this video.
  • Maven 3.9 or higher version.
  • Spring Tool Suite IDE. If you have installed Java on your machine, then it is very easy to install the spring tool suite on your system. You can watch this video to get a complete idea to install Java 8, Maven, and Spring tool suite on your system.
  • MySQL 8 or later version is required. Make sure that you have installed a complete MySQL setup. If any of the drivers are missing, then you will face a lot of problems to run the application.
  • For front-end development, Visual Studio Code is recommended. It will give you automation features to ease your work.
  • In the front end, we are using Angular, so you have to install Node.js 14 or a later version.
  • Angular complete setup is also required.
Features we provide if you buy this project:
  • Source Code
  • You will get support in Project Setup
  • You will get support if some feature is not working.
Price:- ₹10099

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